For use by Ms. T's Digital Film Production 1 students.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sr. Intern Info in Cafeteria

Hey 2012 Seniors! Those of you eligible for Internships or Community Projects need to check out the info boards in the Main Cafeteria, and complete a Survey form. That way, Ms. T knows how best to get you set up for next fall's Friday fun!!!

***If you DON"T complete the survey, I'll just have to pick something FOR you....(Cue wicked laughter.....)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Busy Day!

Lots to cover today:

1. The annual Digital Desert Youth Film Festival is coming up! Submission deadline is April 15:

2. Makeup Demo happens today! We'll learn how to use these materials safely and effectively. You'll work in small teams; we need volunteers to be the "model" for each team.

3. Time to review for your mid-term Vocab test! Grab an old copy of the test and review with a partner.

4. Grandparents' Day is coming up, and we've been asked to produce a video for the day's events. We'll talk about some ideas today and take Extra Credit volunteers. (Don't worry, you'll have class time to do it!)

Friday, March 25, 2011

SBA Math Practice

Practice Problems:

(Show your work)

5 SD Cards and 5 DVD’s cost $28. 1 SD Card and 5 DVD’s cost $8. How much does one SD Card cost?

A magazine ad says that 4 out of 7 Cinematographers prefer the Canon GL2 camera over any other digital camera. If you surveyed 400 Cinematographers, how many would recommend the Canon GL2 camera?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hope you had a restful Spring Break!

Today, we'll catch up on Prod. Notes, play a little quiz game, and hopefully finish up on the Hierarchy and get some practice under our belts!

It's time for musical chairs, so don't get too settled.

We'll also talk about your upcoming movie project.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Prod. Hierarchy notes for Friday, March 11th

Today's video link:

Watch the video as many times as necessary to complete notes on the following:

Production Designer
Art Department
Special Effects (FX)

NO SURFING THE INTERNET! Stay focused. For extra credit, go to
and find local New Mexicans who perform the jobs listed above.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sound Mixer and Key Grip

Click on the link below for SBA and Prod Hierarchy Practice:

use the link below for camera dept.

Part 3: Technicians

Friday, March 4, 2011

Divide and Conquer!

Juniors interested in internships---see me today!

We're doing all we can to help get you squared away for a cool, exciting internship next fall! Step 1 is to prepare your resume and start thinking about where you might want to do your internship. Pick up a Resume Prep Worksheet from me this morning.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prod Hierarchy: Top Down Mgmt. SCAVENGER HUNT!

Hey all! Today we'll start "at the top", so to speak, learning about the people who are really in control of getting a movie production "green lit" to begin planning and filming. These folks (referred to as "Above the Line") are the movers, shakers, and money behind most films, both Big $ and small (indie).

We're going to start using the "Anatomy of a Film Set" series. Click on the link below:

Once we've completed Exec. Prod., Prod., Loc. Scout, and Director, it's time to divide into 4 groups to complete a Scavenger Hunt! You'll get a copy of "Boom!" magazine from me, and your team will conduct an IMDB search to find something that each of those people has worked on. Use the following resources:

BONUS 5 pts. to the team that finishes first!