For use by Ms. T's Digital Film Production 1 students.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Because you don't have enough to worry about....

I've made a list of students who paid their $10 Materials Fee for the course this year (thanks!). Everyone else will have a $10 Fine attached to their account, which will hold up grades, registration, and...eventually...graduation.
Remember, this fee barely covers repairs (like the busted tripods, camera chargers, and boom poles I've been finding), SD Cards (which you keep losing), batteries (which you've used up), DVD's (again, all you) and printing supplies (which you've used all year).
We don't receive any money from the school to pay for this stuff, so it's all sustained by fees. I dare say, after 9 months in the class, you've gotten your $10 worth. If you pay the fee by Monday, I won't turn in the fine on your account. Otherwise, it will be a hold on your records.
Thanks for your help in making sure we can continue to offer a quality experience to our students.

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